Last Tuesday was the general election for the United States of America. During this past week there has been a lot of angst, a lot of mud slinging, and a lot of bruised egos. The predicted outcome of the election has allowed a large number of stupid or ridiculous comments to rise to the top, like cream on a container of whole milk. Below is a list of stupid things I have seen, heard, or witnessed on the internet and various chat groups

  • Biden will be getting rid of all religious holidays! Please pray he does not win. Seriously. That is not going to happen, and if you think it will, you are missing the fact that not everyone follows or observes every holiday for every religion, and it is not up to the government in the USA to decide which ones you can or do.
  • We are now a divided country thanks to the Biden/Harris ticket! Nope, that would be like saying we are divided because Trump beat Clinton, or when Obama beat McCain/Romney. We have always been a politically divided country, that is why we have more than one candidate (Kanye 2020)
  • Trump is still going to to win because of voter fraud! Stop it. You cannot just randomly parrot something that you saw on the internet as fact, simply because you want it to be true and expect it to happen. The outcome of the election is not swayed or adjusted because someone wishes it to be true, no matter how many beers they’ve had.
  • “Biden will fix everything now that he won!” Um, sure. Except we have to remember there are 100 Senators, and 435 Representatives that may not agree with what he wants to accomplish, so nothing is a foregone conclusion.
  • Trump has made us the laughing stock of the world!Well, I hate to break it to you, we did not need Trump to make that happen. I know this first hand because I have actually traveled outside of the US long BEFORE Trump was elected, and many people around the world already held that opinion.
  • Biden does not represent me like Trump did!So, you related to a multi-millionaire who has never held a real blue collar job, but you do not relate to a multi-millionaire who has never really had a blue collar job? Sure, that makes sense. Neither one of them has any idea what struggles you have overcome in your life, and you should not be swayed to think they do.
  • If Trump doesn’t win we should fight others to take the fraudulent election back!Seriously. Shut-up. If you are hoping to overthrow a Democratic Election with force to place someone in power that you want, that is no longer a democracy but your are suggesting the start of a dictatorship. You think your rights are in peril now, what do you think would happen in that world?
  • Voter fraud… voter fraud… voter fraud! If you are on either side of the election and you are claiming the other side engaged in voter fraud, you need to put on your big pants and become an adult. Just because someone does not agree with you (or groups of people) does not mean it is fraud. If your view is that a free election is imperfect then you are correct, but be aware, it is imperfect for all parties involved, and it is not weighted on one side or the other. Remember the same “imperfect” system elected Trump four years ago, and you didn’t have any concerns then.
  • Biden will be dead soon because he is old!So, Trump is young and the picture of health? Stop it.
  • Trump solved all of America’s problems and we are in real trouble now! Opinions are not facts, and if you feel we are in perfect state right now, I suggest you look at our health crisis and explain how that is optimal.
  • Biden will solve our current Covid issue.Maybe.. maybe not. We are being ravaged right now by the pandemic. There is no easy off switch to solve this. Assuming come January it will magically go away is not very realistic. Oh, and if you think Covid is a hoax, remember if you get sick, don’t worry a hoax or a myth cannot kill you.
  • Everything that is wrong with America was caused by Trump!Sure, EVERYTHING wrong was caused by Trump. That is another version of it’s my opinion, so it must be fact. Do not believe everything you hear or read if you are unwilling to take a look at it from the other side of the coin too. If you think some of the issues you are seeing didn’t exist before Trump was elected, then you have not being paying attention.
  • Biden/Harris is too liberal for this country! Seriously? Why do you think America is not a liberal country? We have over 300 hundred forms of organized religions in this country, we are not persecuted for any of them, or are we put to death for not belonging to any of them. We can travel freely around the country, we can strive to do any job that interests us, we can date/marry other ethnic groups, and we protect alternative (LGBTQ) lifestyles whenever we can. If that is too liberal for you, you can always move to Iran, of course you may need to give up your current religious affiliation.
  • Biden will take away our guns! Cool story Bro.. not sure why everyone just assumes that is what every Democrat wants to do. Now, I assume you are okay with them taking them away from people who think it is their right to shoot up a restaurant, a school, a nightclub, or a movie theater?
  • Trump was only out for himself and not my lively hood! Probably.. just like pretty much every politician. I am pretty sure that just because Biden is president, you will not suddenly become a successful business person with will start making millions overnight. I could be wrong, I don’t know you that well.
  • Biden is going to cause the downfall of America! If you truly believe that, you may want to change that to “Stupidity is going to cause the downfall of America!”

We live in a time where we have more access to more information than ever before. You are free to research any topic you see fit, it is in your power to form your own opinions, and develop your own beliefs. All you need to do is spend a little time and effort.

Stop spreading false information because everyone around you is doing it with out any understanding of what they are actually saying. We find ourselves in interesting times, but it feels like many people are putting their heads under a rock and hiding from any real true understanding.

Kenn Wislander

By Kenn Wislander

My name is Kenn Wislander, and this is my web domain. I'm a freelance graphic artist, who also dabbles in photography, and woodworking. Read my bio on the "About Me" page.

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